
Showing posts from July, 2016

Powershell - List AD Organizational Unit and GPOs linked to them

The below script will search Active Directory for all Organizational Unit which contain specific name and list them along with all Group Policies linked to those OUs. Example: The below command will get a list of all OUs which name contains 'Test'. It will also show the details of all GPOs linked to OUs. Usage Example: .\Get-OUList.ps1 –OUName “Test” #Script [ CmdletBinding () ] Param (   [ Parameter (Mandatory = $True ) ]   [ string ] $OUName   ) $invocation = ( Get-Variable MyInvocation ) . Value $directorypath = Split-Path $invocation . MyCommand . Path $outputfile = $directorypath + "\Result.csv" $OUName = "*" + $OUName + "*" $Results = @() $OUList = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter * | Where-Object -FilterScript { $PSItem . distinguishedname -like $OUName } foreach ( $OU in $OUList ){     $LinkedGPOs = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity $OU | select -Expa...