
Showing posts from May, 2020

Powershell Script: Validate if Computer account exists in Active Directory

The below script will let you quickly validate if given computers are exists in Active Directory. You have to keep both script and Computer.txt in same location. Add the computers name in text file separated by new line. The result will be saved in Output.csv file in script folder. $File = "$PSScriptRoot\Computers.txt"  $LogFile = "$PSScriptRoot\Output.csv"    # Function to WriteLog File  Function WriteLog($Msg)  {      $Text = $Msg      Add-Content -Path $LogFile  $text       Write-Host $Text  }      $ComputerList = Get-Content -Path $File  $TotalRecord = ($ComputerList).Count  foreach ($computer in $ComputerList){      $error.clear()      try{$ADComputer = Get-ADComputer $computer -Properties *}      catch{ WriteLog "$computer,Does not Exists in AD"}    ...