Intune - Error Code Refference
This post is a collection of Microsoft Endpoint Manager / Intune error codes and reference articles. Intune : Win32 App Deployment Intune : Win32 app deployment failed with error code 0x87D300C9 Error code : 0x87D300C9 Error Description: The unmonitored process is in progress, however it may timeout. Intune : Win32 app deployment failed with error code 0x80070653 Error code: 0x80070653 Decimal: 1619 Error Name: ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_OPEN_FAILED Error Description: This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package. Intune : Win32 app deployment failed with error code 0x87D1041C Error code : 0x87D1041C Error Description: The application was not detected after installation completed successfully. Intune: Win32 app deployment failed with error code 0x80070643 Error code: 0x80070643 Decimal: 1603 Error Name: ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE Err...