
Showing posts from March, 2022

Intune - Error Code Refference

This post is a collection of Microsoft Endpoint Manager / Intune error codes and reference articles. Intune : Win32 App Deployment Intune : Win32 app deployment failed with error code 0x87D300C9 Error code : 0x87D300C9 Error Description: The unmonitored process is in progress, however it may timeout. Intune : Win32 app deployment failed with error code ​0x80070653 Error code: ​0x80070653 Decimal: 1619 Error Name: ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_OPEN_FAILED Error Description: ​This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package. Intune : Win32 app deployment failed with error code 0x87D1041C Error code : ​ 0x87D1041C Error Description: ​The application was not detected after installation completed successfully. Intune: Win32 app deployment failed with error code 0x80070643 Error code: ​ 0x80070643 Decimal: 1603 Error Name: ​ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE Err...

Intune - Understanding Win32 App Detection Rules

 In Microsoft Intune, Detection Rules are used to determine the presense of a Win32 App. The detection rules ensure that app installation only start if it's not installed yet. A Win32 App can have multiple detection rules and all detection rule must be met to detect the application. However in the case of an Uninstall, only one detection rule should match in order to trigger uninstall. Read complete article on my new blog.