GPO - Get GPO permission details
The below PowerShell script will export the permission details of all matching GPO to CSV file.
#Import Group Policy Module
Import-Module GroupPolicy
#Get current path
$invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value
$directorypath = Split-Path $invocation.MyCommand.Path
# Define Variables
$MatchPattern = "TestGPO-"
$OutFile = $directorypath + "\Result.csv"
Set-Content $OutFile ""
$GPO=get-gpo -all | where {$_.displayname -match $MatchPattern} |foreach {
$GPOName = $_.DisplayName;
$GPOPerm= Get-GPPermissions $GPOName -All
foreach($GPOtrustee in $GPOPerm)
$Result= $GPOName + "," + $GPOtrustee.Trustee.Name +","+ $GPOtrustee.Permission
Write-Host $Result
Add-Content $OutFile $Result
#Import Group Policy Module
Import-Module GroupPolicy
#Get current path
$invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value
$directorypath = Split-Path $invocation.MyCommand.Path
# Define Variables
$MatchPattern = "TestGPO-"
$OutFile = $directorypath + "\Result.csv"
Set-Content $OutFile ""
$GPO=get-gpo -all | where {$_.displayname -match $MatchPattern} |foreach {
$GPOName = $_.DisplayName;
$GPOPerm= Get-GPPermissions $GPOName -All
foreach($GPOtrustee in $GPOPerm)
$Result= $GPOName + "," + $GPOtrustee.Trustee.Name +","+ $GPOtrustee.Permission
Write-Host $Result
Add-Content $OutFile $Result
Nnectiasubs_po-1982 Van Manjunath